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This is Milan Stankovic,
I'm a Professional
Software Engineer.

name:'Milan Stankovic',
skills: ['React', 'NextJS', 'Redux', 'Typescript', 'Javascript', 'Vue', 'Tailwind', 'SCSS', 'SQL'],
hireable:function() {
this.skills.length>= 2 years

Who am I?

My name is Milan Stankovic. I'm a software engineer with experience in frontend development using technologies such as React, NextJS, Vue, TypeScript, JavaScript, CSS, and HTML. I also have an interest in backend and blockchain development. I'm passionate about creating and improving modern technologies that make the world a better place. I will continue learning and growing as an engineer, and I am excited to explore opportunities that allow me to combine my passions and make a positive impact on humanity. Thanks for checking out my portfolio, and feel free to reach out if you have any questions or would like to chat further!

Milan Stankovic




CDP Finder

name:'CDP Finder',
tools: ['React', 'TypeScript', 'Vite', 'Tailwind CSS', 'Radix UI', 'React Router DOM', 'Web3.js', 'Infura', 'MetaMask],
role:Blockchain Frontend Developer,
description: Developed a frontend tool designed to search for Collateralized Debt Positions (CDPs) on the Ethereum blockchain. This application allows users to query CDPs by ID and collateral type, providing detailed information about each CDP, including collateralization ratio, liquidation ratio, maximum debt without liquidation, and maximum collateral without liquidation.,


tools: ['JavaScript', 'Webpack', 'Babel', 'Forkify API', 'Local Storage', 'CSS', 'HTML],
role:Frontend Developer,
description: Practiced JavaScript, Webpack, Babel, and other modern JavaScript tools. I used the Forkify API to fetch recipes and display them on the UI. I implemented features like search, pagination and bookmarking. I used Webpack to bundle the code and Babel to transpile the code to ES5. I also used local storage to store bookmarks.,


tools: ['JavaScript', 'Geolocation API', 'Leaflet', 'Local Storage', 'CSS', 'HTML],
role:Frontend Developer,
description: Developed a workout logging application using Javascript classes, Geolocation API, and CSS for styling. I utilized the Leaflet library to display the map and log the workout location. The app doesn't have a back-end. I used local storage to store the workout data. I implemented features like adding a workout, deleting a workout, and displaying the workout on the map. There is also a list of workouts that is displayed on the side.,


Contact with me

If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact me. I am open to any work opportunities that align with my skills and interests.
Belgrade, Serbia